
Just 200 m from ANONYMOUSHOMESTAY you can find our
small,  but very well stocked,  clothes shop called ZIC ZAC. In 1993 we opened, offering only self-made clothes, but as business grew over the years we bought in more and more clothes and now believe it is important to offer clothes that are 'Made in Greece' and,
where this is not possible, at least 'Made in Europe'.

We focus on quality!

We also are great supporters of the ecological  company
“THE EARTH COLLECTION”, whose clothes are made in harmony with the environment. (see www.theearthcollection.com or http://theearthcollection.com/)

We are open all year around and, in the summer, you will find us on a daily basis,
from 9.00h until 22.00h (in July/August/September even later).

We stock a broad range of clothes for men, women and children, including casual clothes, jeans and beach-wear - and, as a special service, we offer FREE (where necessary) alterations on any kind of clothes you buy from us.


Getting to Zic Zac

Welcome inside

Small but Full

Jeans are our Specialty

See U Soon !!